
The GPT Store by OpenAI is Now Open

Sergej Ostrovskij
Editor in Chief at ApiX-Drive
Reading time: ~1 min

OpenAI recently unveiled the GPT Store, an online marketplace for GPTs, accessible through a new tab in the ChatGPT. This store features various GPTs created by OpenAI's partners and the wider developer community, organized into categories like lifestyle, writing, research, programming, and education. Access to the GPT Store is exclusive to subscribers of OpenAI's premium services: ChatGPT Plus, ChatGPT Enterprise, or the newly launched ChatGPT Team.

Since the debut of GPT Builder in November, users have created over 3 million GPTs. The GPT Store's launch, initially planned for November, was delayed until January. This platform allows those who have crafted custom ChatGPT bots to share them with the public. At present, only those with a paid subscription to OpenAI can create and use custom GPTs.

In addition, OpenAI plans to roll out a revenue-sharing model for GPT creators in the first quarter of the year. This initiative will enable GPT developers to earn revenue based on the engagement their chatbots generate. Further information about how this payment system will work is still pending.