

Vadym Rudenko
Author at ApiX-Drive
Reading time: ~2 min

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a general term for a variety of measures taken to increase the position of a site on the pages of search engine results.

Since few users look beyond the second page of results, it is important that the position of the site in the search results is as high as possible (as it is often said, it is in the TOP of search engine results). This allows you to increase traffic for certain search queries. For example, an online store that sells large household appliances is interested in being in the top positions for the query “buy a dishwasher”.

Search engine optimization involves a whole range of measures, some of which should be carried out regularly. So, the site must be constantly updated with unique texts, and its pages must be linked to each other and have the correct titles. The full list of optimization measures is quite extensive, and besides, it is periodically amended, since search engines sometimes change the principles of ranking results. In other words, SEO, to one degree or another, needs to be done regularly. And it is better if it is entrusted to professionals.

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To date, there are enough services whose purpose is to analyze the correctness of the implementation of SEO measures.


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